Present: Peter, Donna, Laura, Fran, Dan, Lyman, Scott, Selene
1. General updates:
- Peter showed the note on social networking tools for books & film that Selene added to the Libraries’ Facebook page:
- The Libraries now has a Goodreads account: (we’ll add this as an application to the Facebook account)
- Peter reminded us about the blog, for now the primary audience is library colleagues.
2. Text it!
- Enthusiastic support for the new “text it” feature created by Lyman in the library catalog, which allows users to text title, call number, and location information to their cell phone.
- We discussed a proposal to change the link to read: “text a call number,” but decided in favor of the current simplicity.
- Peter will send a notice informing the Libraries of the change and then Lyman will make the change go live.
3. Linksource
- The Linksource evaluation subgroup hasn’t met yet.
- Scott reported on an incidence of the “full-text linking” (different from a full-text PDF) not working when Find it @ UVM does, in Sociological Abstracts (CSA). “Full-text linking” is misleading. Can we eliminate it? Scott will follow through with Tina & Karl.
- Dan went to the Linksource webinar, but had to leave before they got to the short section on reporting. He will follow up directly with the trainer to see if we can get more clarity on this.
- Find it @ UVM enabled in Google Scholar? Yes!
- Responsibility for A-Z/linksource administration remains unassigned, but should be resolved shortly.
4. Open access
- We will do some research to ensure that all major open access journal packages are in the library catalog; Dan volunteered to begin research on this.
- We will also work with liaisons to solicit key open access journals in specific disciplines that might not be represented at present. Peter will talk to Jeanene about this.
5. Shibboleth
- The campus has adopted Shibboleth, a central authentication system. Remote users who log into webmail or another affiliate resource will stay logged into the proxy server [did I get this right?]
- We may be able to make some databases (e.g Science Direct) work with this. Pro: Easier remote access; Con: Users might be confused by having to log into some databases and not others.
- We’ll talk more about this at the next meeting. A key question: how many/which databases would work with Shibboleth?